Safe HaskellNone




type Stream a = Coroutine a () Source #

A handle to a stream that yields values of type a. It is implemented as a handle to a coroutine that expects values of type () and then yields values of type a.


forEach Source #


:: forall a b (es :: Effects) r. (forall (e1 :: Effects). Coroutine a b e1 -> Eff (e1 :& es) r) 
-> (a -> Eff es b)

Apply this effectful function for each element of the coroutine

-> Eff es r 
>>> runPureEff $ yieldToList $ \y -> do
      forEach (inFoldable [0 .. 3]) $ \i -> do
        yield y i
        yield y (i * 10)
([0, 0, 1, 10, 2, 20, 3, 30], ())

yieldToList Source #


:: forall a (es :: Effects) r. (forall (e1 :: Effects). Stream a e1 -> Eff (e1 :& es) r) 
-> Eff es ([a], r)

Yielded elements and final result

>>> runPureEff $ yieldToList $ \y -> do
      yield y 1
      yield y 2
      yield y 100
([1,2,100], ())

yieldToReverseList Source #


:: forall a (es :: Effects) r. (forall (e :: Effects). Stream a e -> Eff (e :& es) r) 
-> Eff es ([a], r)

Yielded elements in reverse order, and final result

This is more efficient than yieldToList because it gathers the elements into a stack in reverse order. yieldToList then reverses that stack.

>>> runPureEff $ yieldToReverseList $ \y -> do
      yield y 1
      yield y 2
      yield y 100
([100,2,1], ())

enumerate Source #


:: forall (e2 :: Effects) (es :: Effects) a r. e2 :> es 
=> (forall (e1 :: Effects). Stream a e1 -> Eff (e1 :& es) r)


-> Stream (Int, a) e2 
-> Eff es r 

Pair each element in the stream with an increasing index, starting from 0.

>>> runPureEff $ yieldToList $ enumerate (inFoldable ["A", "B", "C"])
([(0, "A"), (1, "B"), (2, "C")], ())

enumerateFrom Source #


:: forall (e2 :: Effects) (es :: Effects) a r. e2 :> es 
=> Int

Initial value

-> (forall (e1 :: Effects). Stream a e1 -> Eff (e1 :& es) r) 
-> Stream (Int, a) e2 
-> Eff es r 

Pair each element in the stream with an increasing index, starting from an inital value.

>>> runPureEff $ yieldToList $ enumerateFrom1 (inFoldable ["A", "B", "C"])
([(1, "A"), (2, "B"), (3, "C")], ())

mapMaybe Source #


:: forall (e2 :: Effects) (es :: Effects) a b r. e2 :> es 
=> (a -> Maybe b)

Yield from the output stream all of the elemnts of the input stream for which this function returns Just

-> (forall (e1 :: Effects). Stream a e1 -> Eff (e1 :& es) r)

Input stream

-> Stream b e2 
-> Eff es r 

catMaybes Source #


:: forall (e2 :: Effects) (es :: Effects) a r. e2 :> es 
=> (forall (e1 :: Effects). Stream (Maybe a) e1 -> Eff (e1 :& es) r)

Input stream

-> Stream a e2 
-> Eff es r 

Remove Nothing elements from a stream.

Effectful operations

yield Source #


:: forall (e1 :: Effects) (es :: Effects) a. e1 :> es 
=> Stream a e1 
-> a

Yield this value from the stream

-> Eff es () 
>>> runPureEff $ yieldToList $ \y -> do
      yield y 1
      yield y 2
      yield y 100
([1,2,100], ())

inFoldable Source #


:: forall t (e1 :: Effects) (es :: Effects) a. (Foldable t, e1 :> es) 
=> t a

Yield all these values from the stream

-> Stream a e1 
-> Eff es () 
>>> runPureEff $ yieldToList $ inFoldable [1, 2, 100]
([1, 2, 100], ())