by Tom Ellis on 29th March 2013
Suppose I have a Map
and I get rid of a key that refers to a large data structure.
removeLargePart :: Map k a -> Map k a
removeLargePart = delete keyReferencingLargeDataStructure
Then I proceed to do a long computation that eventually references the map.
longComputation . removeLargePart
The large data structure cannot be garbage collected until the map is inspected and the removal forced, leaking space. We want to ensure that longComputation
cannot start to be evaluated before removeLargePart
. That way we know that the Map
will be evaluated, and data that was deleted from it will be available for garbage collection, before longComputation
Here’s a way we can ensure this
delete' :: k -> Map k a -> (Map k a -> r) -> r
delete' k m continueWith = let m' = delete k m
in m' `seq` continueWith m'
removeLargePart' :: Map k a -> (Map k a -> r) -> r
removeLargePart' = delete' keyReferencingLargeDataStructure
and instead of longComputation . removeLargePart
we can have
\m -> removeLargePart' m longComputation
In terms of the Cont r
monad this is
(uncont .) $ (return . longComputation) <=< (cont . removeLargePart')
uncont :: Cont a a -> a
uncont = flip runCont id
which is perhaps more confusing for small examples, but will help when the code gets complex.
Amanda Clare has discovered this kind of technique (as, I’m sure, have many others).